Class Override Request Form

This form is for ISA courses only. We cannot grant overrides for any other departments.

What is your student status? *
Check one please.
What is the error message you are receiving when you attempt to register? *
Check one please.
We only give these overrides to graduating seniors or NSO attendees.
You are missing a prerequisite course or your Texas State GPA is too low.
The course you want is restricted.
This course is restricted to qualified students and we may not grant you an override.
Limited to Internship classes and requires approval from Dr. Ju Long before an override is given.
(e.g. QMST 2333.251)
Semester for which you are requesting the override? *
Family name or surname.
You can input your alias email if you wish.
Anticipated Graduation Year *
Please note we will verify any information you provide.
Override Policy 1 *
Override Policy 2 *
Override Policy 3 *